Spring Black Bear $3500-5500USD
payment Plans AvaiLable, Discounts for veterans
Join us in our incredibly remote wilderness camp in Northern Alberta (Fly into Edmonton, AB) for a week of hunting world class Black Bears. We are a low volume, high quality outfitter that boasts incredible averages on bears taken. The pictures on this webpage are not the best 5% of bears we kill, but are very realistic representation of the bears YOU will hunt with us. We operate this hunt primarily from bait during mid to late May. Spot and stalk hunters will have ample opportunity for success as well. Lastly, our bears taste great. While there is no obligation to take your bear meat home, our bears are not allowed to consume rotten flesh or concentrated sugars. Their clean diet of supplemented grains can make for some of the best burgers, pepperonis and stews you will have. You will not find another outfitter that does this.
The area is categorized as Northern Boreal Forest. It is a seemingly endless expanse of lakes, swamp, pine and aspen that reaches to the treeline in the arctic circle. This topography is nearly impossible to access without someone working full time to manage the assets required, and is even impervious to oil and gas exploration in the summer months. Float planes, tracked amphibious UTV, and jet boats are all apart of the fleet we need to operate. As a result of this difficulty, there is near non-existent hunting pressure to compete with. Bears may be 10+ years old without ever having been pressured by humans. There have been several massive forest fires that have burned through the area in the last ten years, and it has resulted in an incredible amount of feed and forage that was previously unavailable, accelerating growth and population density. Our zone is also extremely large, and this allows us to systematically rest our sites for long periods of time, ensuring we can offer the same experience for all of our clients. We are a low volume outfit, promising high quality, not a hunting factory playing percentages.
We are veteran owned and operated. All of our staff have served in conflict areas around the globe, including Somalia, Bosnia, Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq and most recently Ukraine. Our business started as a place for members of the veteran community to reunite in a field set setting, where your individual actions, directly provide your sustenance. We are happy to take both Veteran (disabled or not) and civilians on hunts, sharing our unique experiences that make us one of the most effective outfitters available. We are mission first, and your success is our mission.
During our Fall 2019 moose hunts, we observed a 37% color phase. It is important to distinguish this is not the percentage of color bears killed (as many outfitters advertise), but the percentage of bears actually observed. If you are specifically looking for a color black bear, there is a very high likelihood of you being able to capitalize.
Photo Credit to Guide Joey
Our basecamps vary a bit from location to location. Some are situated along streams or rivers, others at remote trail hubs. Generally speaking, base camps have a larger cook tent, guide tent, and comfortable 8x10 canvas tents with floors for hunters accommodation.
Heat for tents will be provided through wood stoves. Tents will have cots to keep you off the ground, but you will still need to bring a sleeping pad.
In basecamp we love to have homecooked meals with fresh food. Expect to enjoy pasta, hearty stews, and typical meat and potatoes you would find in your own kitchen.


Transportation to, from, and around the hunting area.
Field preparation of hide. (Skinned, head and paws in, frozen)
All accommodations, food and non-alcoholic beverages from pickup to drop-off
Use of our client rifles. No need to worry about flying and bringing firearms across the border!
Licenses (Wildlife Certificate, Bear Hunting License, Admin Fee)
A guide to sit with you! Bears are extremely hard to judge, and while a guide can’t sit in the tree with you every night (they are very busy running the line), there will be a couple hunts early where your guide will be able to sit with you and teach you to field judge on your own. Nobody wants you to take a bear only to find out you misjudged. This also helps get some amazing pictures and video of your adventure to Alberta.
Hotels before and after the hunt
Taxidermy, butchering, and shipping costs.
Trophy fee for second bear (negotiated case by case), no fee for nuisance bears shot in camp.
Fishing License
Caping fee for animals requiring full skinning and salt ($150 paid directly to the guide doing the work)
Grit. The terrain is difficult and vast. You can expect machines to get stuck. You can expect to be uncomfortable at times, be it from heat, cold, or bugs. We do what we can to have the necessities, but it is impossible for us to carry the kitchen sink back here. Simple field cooked meals, and humble wall tent accommodations is the trade off for being able to hunt massive, unpressured black bears, with excellent color phase percentage.
Rain Gear. The weather is extremely unpredictable, you will want rain gear you can pack in your bag every day. Rubber boots are also highly reccomonended
Fixed Broadheads. Our strong suggestion, not a dealbreaker. Shots are typically shorter, and big bears have big bones. Toxic broadheads are absolutely not allowed in camp.
Patience. High winds and other conditions can put a damper on bear activity. Staying patient is the key to success. While many of the bears in our area are completely unpressured, black bears have a huge range and roam unbelievable distances in the rut. Some bears have clearly been around the block and know the risk of being in a bait site, but our guides are masters of the chess game to fool these big educated bears as well.